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Tuesday 15 March 2022

RAF Mildenhall 15th March, 2022

After leaving Lakenheath, I took advantage of the lengthening days to stop at Mildenhall. 

There was little new from yesterday, but it was good to see collaborator N89 flying - this had been present yesterday, but had escaped both my binoculars and camera!

Not the best haul, but as I set course for home I did so having enjoyed my two days.

58-0100 Boeing KC-135R                                 USAF - United States Air Force
58-0125 Boeing KC-135T                                 USAF - United States Air Force
59-1475 Boeing KC-135R                                 USAF - United States Air Force
60-0335 Boeing KC-135T                                 USAF - United States Air Force
61-0315 Boeing KC-135R                                 USAF - United States Air Force
61-2667 Boeing WC-135W                                 USAF - United States Air Force
79-1712 McDonnell Douglas KC-10A Extender USAF - United States Air Force
83-0075 McDonnell Douglas KC-10A Extender USAF - United States Air Force
87-0045 Lockheed C-5M Galaxy                         USAF - United States Air Force
13-5778 Lockheed Martin MC-130J Hercules USAF - United States Air Force
N89         Bombardier Challenger 605                 FAA - Federal Aviation Administration

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