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Wednesday 2 June 2021

RAF Mildenhall, 2nd June, 2021

 A couple of days off work saw the first being spent at RAF Mildenhall.

I was lucky in that it was a lovely day, but unlucky that the base was fairly quiet. My visit got off to an excellent start, with LAGER357 returning from a refuelling mission off the Scottish coast shortly after I arrived:

This was followed by two other Stratotankers arriving from missions over the Wash; the only other flight that morning was an Osprey departing, to return a few hours later, and then Hercules 12-5760 leaving to return back to the US:
I left at 7pm after a ten hour stay - I had enjoyed it, if only the base was busier though!

57-1440 Boeing KC-135R                                 USAF - United States Air Force
58-0036 Boeing KC-135R                                 USAF - United States Air Force
58-0089 Boeing KC-135T                                 USAF - United States Air Force
58-0100 Boeing KC-135R                                 USAF - United States Air Force
59-1464 Boeing KC-135T                                 USAF - United States Air Force
59-1470 Boeing KC-135T                                 USAF - United States Air Force
61-0315 Boeing KC-135R                                 USAF - United States Air Force
63-8878 Boeing KC-135R                                 USAF - United States Air Force
08-0047 Bell/Boeing CV-22B Osprey                 USAF - United States Air Force
08-6205 Lockheed Martin MC-130J Hercules USAF - United States Air Force
11-0057 Bell/Boeing CV-22B Osprey                 USAF - United States Air Force
12-5760 Lockheed Martin MC-130J Hercules USAF - United States Air Force
13-5778 Lockheed Martin MC-130J Hercules USAF - United States Air Force
13-5786 Lockheed Martin MC-130J Hercules USAF - United States Air Force
ZZ666 Boeing RC-135W Rivet Joint                 RAF - Royal Air Force

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